Abstract submission
Main speakers
Meeting site
Registration Form

All oral and poster presenters are requested to submit an English-written abstract for publication in the program booklet. Deadline for submission is 1 April 2004. 
Your abstract can only be submitted as attachment of an e-mail to the address ENPmeeting@neurofederatie.nl using the phrase 'abstract ENP2004' in the subject box for automatic handling.

The abstract secretariat can only handle files in MS-Word and Wordperfect MS-DOS format, not Mac format. Receipt of your abstract will be confirmed by e-mail after proper import.  
Lay-out of the abstracts should be as follows: title, presenting author in italics, asterisk(s) for various collaborating groups, no dots following abbreviations, body text not exceeding 300 words and at the bottom your name and affiliation, finally whether you are a speaker in session # or a poster presenter in the session of your choice. 


The influence of exercise on functional recovery of spinal cord-injured rats
Aag KN,  Rolstoelie J*, Accord JA van**
Dept of  Neuroregeneration, Univ of Leiden, Leiden, *Orthopedic Clinic, AZL, Leiden, **Dept of Anatomy, Free University, Brussels, Belgium

The failure of  significant spontaneous recovery following .............. text should not exceed 300 words.
Karin N. Aag, Department of Neuroregeneration, University of Leiden, Postbus 2000, 2000 NO Leiden, t 071 1234 5678, e-mail knaag@leidenuniv.nl

indicate here the session number if you are a speaker, or, the poster session(s) of your choice 

Please note once more that the body text of your abstract should not exceed 300 words, otherwise it will be published in truncated form. For abstracts of poster presentations it is very important to mark the poster session of choice: Endocrinology on Tuesday 1 June, Neuroscience 1 on Wednesday 2 June, Neuroscience 2 on Thursday 3 June or Cognition & Behavioral Neuroscience on Friday 4 June.

ENP2004 abstract submission