08.30 | Posters
Neuroscience 2 session to be mounted |
08.30 | Parallel
sessions 19-22 Session 19 Stress and depression 2 Moderators: Erno Vreugdenhil (Leiden), Marian Joëls and Witte Hoogendijk (Amsterdam) Ron de Kloet (Leiden) Stress and depression: rationale for novel treatment strategies (30) Jantien Brouwer (Amsterdam/Rotterdam) Glucocorticoid receptor polymorphisms in depression (15) Els van Riel (Amsterdam) Changes in serotonergic transmission in animal models for hypercortisolism (15) Ard Peeters (Oss) Clinical trials of anti-glucocorticoids in depression (30) Session 20 Synapse physiology and neuronal network functioning 2 Moderator: Christian Hansel (Rotterdam) Egidio D'Angelo (Pavia, Italy) Plasticity and computation at the mossy fiber-granule cell relay: implications for cerebellar function (30) Alain Artola (Utrecht) Metaplasticity: physiology and pathology (15) Ype Elgersma (Los Angeles, CA, USA/Rotterdam) Importance of inhibitory auto-phosphorylation of a CaMKII in synaptic plasticity and hippocampal learning (15) Geert Ramakers (Utrecht) The role of potassium channels in synaptic transmission and plasticity (15) Christian Hansel (Rotterdam) Long-term depression at the climbing fiber-Purkinje cell synapse in the cerebellum (15) Session 21 Spinal cord disorders 2 - Glial scarring, transplantation and repair after injury Moderators: Bert Joosten (Maastricht) and Gerard Boer (Amsterdam) James Fawcett (Cambridge, UK) The glial scar and central nervous system regeneration (30) Fred de Winter (Amsterdam) Semaphorin responses following motoneuron axonal crush (15) Ronald Deumens (Maastricht) Transplantation of olfactory ensheating cells in experimental spinal cord injury (15) Marc Jan Ruitenberg (Amsterdam) Transduced olfactory ensheating glia as implants for neuroregeneration of the rubrospinal tract (15) Henk van de Meent (Nijmegen) Introduction in the European multicenter study of spinal cord injury (15) Session 22 Protein metabolism and protein quality control in neurodegenerative diseases Moderators: Elly Hol and David Fischer (Amsterdam) Erich Wanker (Berlin, Germany) Formation of polyQ-containing protein aggregates in Huntington's disease: implications for therapy (30) Ineke Braakman (Utrecht) Protein folding and molecular chaperones (15) Liesbeth Dubelaar (Amsterdam) Lower neuronal metabolic activity in nucleus basalis neurons as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (15) Esther van Herpen (Rotterdam) The effect of tau mutations in frontotemporal dementia (15) Renske van Dijk (Amsterdam) Proteomics on Alzheimer-associated mutant ubiquitin expression (15) |
10.00 | Poster
session Neuroscience 2 (including break) Meeting (part 1) 'NWO Prioriteitsprogramma Geheugenprocessen en dementie' |
11.30 | Parallel
sessions 23-26 Session 23 Synapse physiology and neuronal network functioning 3 (sponsored by Graduate School Neurosciences Amsterdam) Moderators: Wytse Wadman and Arjen Brussaard (Amsterdam) Paul Tiesinga (La Jolla, CA, USA) How to compute with neural synchrony? (30) Aren Borgdorff (Bordeaux, France) Intracellular calcium and synaptic localisation regulate AMPA receptor movements (30) Stefano Taverna (Amsterdam) Plasticity and neuromodulation of NMDA and AMPA receptor currents in rat nucleus accumbens (15) Ingrid van Welie (Amsterdam) Rapid modulation of somatic hyperpolarization-activated inward currents by synaptic activity in rat hippocampal neurons (15) Session 24 Stem cells in the adult brain (sponsored by Chemicon) Moderators: Ineke van der Zee (Nijmegen) and Paul Lucassen (Amsterdam) Amelia Eisch (Dallas, TX, USA) Adult neurogenesis and neuropsychiatry (30) Vivi Heine (Amsterdam) Age- and stress-related changes in new cell proliferation, survival and apoptosis in the rat dentate gyrus (15) Karin van der Borght (Groningen) Effects of associative learning on hippocampal neurogenesis (15) Gerd Kempermann (Berlin, Germany) Environmental enrichment and neurogenesis (30) Session 25 Cognitive dysfunctions in Parkinson's disease Moderators: Eric Wolters and Henk Groenewegen (Amsterdam) Moussa Youdim (Haifa, Israel) Neurological basis for cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease (30) Diederik Stoffers (Amsterdam) Neuropsychological aspects of Parkinson's disease; implications for an early diagnosis (15) Henk Berendse (Amsterdam) Olfactory deficits in Parkinson's disease; implications for an early diagnosis II (15) Jan Booij (Amsterdam) Dopamine imaging and cognition in Parkinson's disease (15) Jos Prickaerts (Maastricht) Effects of 5-HT-2A receptor ligands on cognitive and motor behavior in rats with bilateral striatal 6-OHDA lesions (15) Session 26 Animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders Moderators: Berend Olivier and Anneloes Dirks (Utrecht) Richard Paylor (Houston, TX, USA) Mutant mouse models for neuropsychiatric traits (30) Tommy Pattij (Utrecht) 5-HT-1A receptor knockout mice and anxiety (15) Martien Kas (Utrecht) Activity-based anorexia, an animal model for anorexia nervosa (15) Matthijs Feenstra (Amsterdam) D4 dopamine receptors and prefrontal cortex function (15) Anneloes Dirks (Utrecht) CRH-overexpressing mice: animal model for depression? (15) Meeting (part 2) 'NWO Prioriteitsprogramma Geheugenprocessen en dementie' |
13.00 | Lunch |
14.00 | 'Hersenstichting'
lecture (sponsored by Dutch Brain Foundation) Chairperson: Benjamin Drukarch (Amsterdam) Moussa Youdim (Haifa, Israel) cDNA microarray gene expression for studying the processes of neurodegeneration and neuroprotection followed by Poster Award Ceremony Neuroscience 1 and 2 |
14.45 | Break Board meeting Dutch Neurofederation |
15.00 | Parallel
sessions 27-30 Session 27 Somatic diseases and emotions: psychogenic and pathophysiological aspects (sponsored by BCN, Groningen) Moderators: Jaap Korf and Gieta van der Pompe (Groningen) Robbert Sandeman (Groningen) Long-term adaptation of the chronically ill persons (15) Mattie Tops (Groningen) Cortisol and emotions (15) Cobi Heijnen (Utrecht) Disturbed neuroendocrine-immune interactions in chronic fatige syndrome (15) Sacha Russo (Groningen) Psychopathology of tryptophan (15) Gieta van de Pompe (Groningen) Cytokines, depression and chronic somatic disease (15) Annemieke Kavelaars (Utrecht) Individual differences in behavior correlate with differences in angiogenesis, experimental tumor cell metastasis and tumor growth (15) Session 28 Brain plasticity - the epilepsy experience Moderator: Frans Leijten (Utrecht) Robert Sloviter (Tucson, AZ, USA) Cell loss and synaptic reorganization in temporal lobe epilepsy, a critical appraisal and future directions (30) Jan Gorter (Amsterdam) Abnormal plasticity in a rat model for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (15) Robbert Notenboom (Utrecht) Altered glutamatergic transmission in the hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (15) Pauly Ossenblok (Heeze) Relocation of the sensory hand representation in frontal lobe epilepsy - a MEG study (15) Willem Alpherts (Heemstede) Dynamic effects of epilepsy surgery on verbal memory (15) Session 29 Drug addiction Moderator: Ton Schoffelmeer (Amsterdam) Gaetano Di Chiara (Cagliari, Italy) Addiction: an associative learning process (30) Liesbeth Reneman (Amsterdam) XTC abuse: neuroimaging in humans (15) August Smit (Amsterdam) Addiction behavior: molecular neuroplasticity (15) Taco de Vries (Amsterdam) Towards a pharmacotherapy of relapse behavior (15) Ton Schoffelmeer (Amsterdam) Drug addiction and brain-behavior relationships (15) Session 30 Functional parameters in focal ischemia Moderator: Erik Hoff (Maastricht) Courtney de Vries (Columbus, OH, USA) Cognitive and behavioral assessment in experimental stroke research (30) Robin Roof (Ann Arbor, MI, USA) Comparison of long-term functional outcome after two versions of rat MCAO (15) Wouter Veldhuis (Utrecht) NMR parameters after pharmacological interventions in focal ischemia (15) Borje Bjelke (Stockholm, Sweden) Functional recovery after brain lesions: behaviour analysis and fMRI (30) |
16.30 | Break |
17.00 | Parallel
sessions 31-33 Session 31 Understanding episodic memory: contributions from animal and human research Moderator: Lucia Talamini (Amsterdam) Malcolm Brown (Bristol, UK) The perirhinal cortex and object recognition (30) Eddy van der Zee (Groningen) Memory for time-place associations in mice (15) Roy Kessels (Utrecht) Selective impairments and lateralization in object location memory (15) Willem Machielsen (Amsterdam) Differentiating MTL regions involved in memory for objects and places using fMRI (15) Martijn Meeter (Amsterdam) A model of parahippocampal-hippocampal interactions in memory (15) Session 32 Neurocognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia (sponsored by BCN, Groningen) Moderator: Hans den Boer (Groningen) Fritz Henn (Mannheim, Germany) Sensory information processing in schizophrenia: a fMRI study (30) André Aleman (Utrecht) Neurocognitive dysfunction and auditory hallucinations (15) Annelies Broerse (Groningen) Antisaccades as a sensitive measure for the detection of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia (15) Richard Bruggeman (Groningen) Cognitive symtoms and antipsychotics: an electrophysiological model (15) Session 33 Neuropsychology of emotion Moderator: Edward de Haan (Utrecht) Richard Davidson (Madison, USA) New substrates of affective style (30) Edward de Haan (Utrecht) Impairments of facial expression perception (30) Jack van Honk (Utrecht) Magnetic transcranial stimulated modulation of fear and fright (15) Bea de Gelder (Tilburg) Imteraction of visual and auditory emotion perception (15) |
19.00 | Dinner |
21.15 | Behavior
Lecture Chairperson: Herman Kolk (Nijmegen) Dorret Boomsma (Amsterdam) Genes, cognition and behavior |