Thursday, June 6 (10.00-11.30 h) |
Numbering of the posters is subject to changes until the meeting (this poster session also includes poster presentations of the meeting of the 'NWO Prioriteitsprogramma Geheugenprocessen en Dementie', see satellite page) 1 14 J.R. Homberg Neurochemical analysis of rats displaying individual differences in motivation to self-administer cocaine 15 E.D. Schmidt Neuroanatomy of cue-induced relapse to heroin seeking behaviour 16 M.M. van Gaalen Long-term effects of repeated administration of amphetamine and cocaine on 5-choice serial reaction time task performance in rats 17 B.M. Bouwman Effects of vigabatrin on spontaneous locomotor activity of rats 18 M.C. Janssen Identification and changed expression of high voltage-operated Ca2+ channels in the rostral reticular thalamic nucleus of WAG/Rij rats, with particular reference to absence epileptogenesis 19 I.W.M. Bos Characterization of glial glutamate transporters in blood platelets of epilepsy and ALS patients 20 U. Schridde Gene-environment interactions in the WAG/Rij rat animal model of absence epilepsy 21 J.G. de Jong Individual variation in behavior determines the long-term effects of social defeat 22 L. Diergaarde Effects of neonatal amygdala damage on open field behavior, spontaneous alternation and food hoarding in the rat 23 M. Gerrits Prefrontal cortex dysfunction and chronic footshock stress in female rats 24 S.D. Kuipers Reduced calcineuron mRNA and protein levels in the prefrontal cortex of chronically stressed female rats: a cDNA microarray/immunocytochemical study 25 C. Westenbroek Gender-specific effects of social support in rats after chronic stress 26 A. Trentani Gender-related sensitivity to the effects of chronic stress in rats 27 C.M. van Rijn Rational polytherapy: combining drugs acting via the GABAA receptor complex 28. J.I. Udo de Haes Effect of increased serotonin release on [18F]MPPF binding in rats: fenfluramine vs. the combination of citalopram and ketanserine 29 B.J. van der Vegt Trait versus state aggression: differential involvement of serotonergic neurotransmission 30 R. de Jongh The light-enhanced startle paradigm as a putative animal model for anxiety, a pharmacological validation 31 G.C. Koopmans Cognition and neurogenesis: survival with or without proliferation? 32 D. Alfarez Corticosteroid modulation of synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis in the rat dentate gyrus 33 B. Tiesjema Neonatal dexamethasone (DEX) treatment affects neurogenesis in the adult rat hippocampus 34 K.M. Horvath Interactive effects of 17$-estradiol and corticosterone on cognitive performance and vulnerability of the cholinergic system 35 I. Otte-Höller Visualisation of amyloid $-peptide fibril formation with electron and confocal microscopy 36 M.M. Verbeek ApoE genotype determines vulnerability of human brain pericytes and smooth muscle cells for A$ 37 A.A.M. Rensink Expression of the cytokine leukemia inhibitory factor and pro-apoptotic insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 in Alzheimers disease 38 B.P.F. Rutten Might a controlled neuronal death during aging be a therapeutic target for preventing Alzheimers disease? 39 K. Boekhoorn Cell proliferation in the Alzheimer hippocampus 40 A. Sik Performance of Fischer344xBrown Norway (F1) rats in a delayed non-matching-to-position task during aging 41 J. Bouwman Characterization of genes involved in synapse maturation 42 M.T. van Diepen Specific transcription factors for neurite outgrowth and synapse formation 43 E.H.P. Franssen Effect of secreted semaphorins on meningeal cell migration 44 W. Hendriks Towards inproved regeneration of spinal ventral roots following avulsion, by using viral vector-mediated expression of neurotrophins 45 R. Eggers Comparison of functional recovery after specific spinal tract lesions using various test methods 46 M.C. Wittendorp The mouse adenosine A1 receptor and neuroprotection 47 N. Brouwer Chloride channels and microglia activation 48 M.W. Zuurman Identification and charcaterization of a novel CC chemokine-receptor in human astrocytes 49 A. Wierinckx Transcriptional analysis of inflammatory mediators in the spinal cord chronic-relapsing EAE rats 50 D. Mercier Production of viruses expressing IL1ra and IL-10: a way to accomplish anti-inflammatory cytokine gene transfer to the rat brain? 51 J. Verheul Reactivation of neuronal ensembles in the nucleus accumbens during sleep |