Wednesday 5 June Satellite sessions of the Biological Rhythm Group Organized by A. Kalsbeek (Amsterdam) For information e-mail |
Spoelstra (Groningen) Phase response curves of mice with clock genes deletions Marieke Ruiter (Amsterdam) Daily modulation of energy metabolism by the SCN Marieke Pennings (Leiden) Effects of excitatory amino acids on the phase of the circadian pacemaker of the hamster Barbara Biemans (Groningen) SCN involvement in memory retention modulation: analysis at the level of vasopressin, cholinergic signal transduction and the effect of aging Stephanie Perreau (Amsterdam) The melatonin rhythm: in vivo evidence for a GABAergic/glutamatergic clock control Mariska van Steensel (Leiden) Opioids effects on the expression of Syrian hamster Per1 in the suprachiasmatic nuclei |
15.30 | Break and program main meeting |
17.00 | Tiziane
Adage (Groningen) Heavy physical workloads disturb circadian rhythms in rats Joke Meijer (Leiden) Phase differences between oscillating neurons determine neuronal network properties of the suprachiasmatic nuclei F. Tamanini (Rotterdam) Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and mCRY-dependent inhibition of ubiquitilation of the mPER2 clock protein |
Thursday 6 June Meeting 'NWO Prioriteitsprogramma Geheugenprocessen en dementie' (this satellite meeting composes oral communications as well as poster presentations during the Neuroscience 2 poster session) For information e-mail |
10.00 | Opening Fred van Leeuwen & David Fischer (Amsterdam) Molecular misreading in neurodegenerative diseases, its evaluation in transgenic +1 mice and its contribution to dementia Monique Breteler (Rotterdam) Hypertension, cerebral white matter lesions and dementie Marcel Verbeek (Nijmegen) Inflammatory mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease brains Paul Luiten & Jaap Korf (Groningen) Neuronal degeneration and impaired plasticity in aging and dementia, animal model-postmortem, and in vivo study Jeannette Grootendorst (Leiden) Apo-E4 transgenic mouse: animal model for Alzheimer´s disease Cock van Duijn (Rotterdam) Genetic-epidemiologic study of early-onset Alzheimer´s disease in a genetically isolated population Closing words |
posters |
communications GpD1 E.A. van der Zee SCN involvement in memory retention modulation I: Analysis at the level of vasopressin and cholinergic signal transduction GpD2 B.A.M. Biemans SCN involvement in memory retention modulation II: Impact of ageing of the circadian system GpD3 G.J.J. Stege Gliosis and the role of small heat-shock proteins in brains of dementia patients GpD4 M.M. Verbeek Inflammatory mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease brains GpD5 F.W. van Leeuwen Molecular misreading of the ubiquitin gene in various neurological disorders GpD6 M.B. de Ruiter Attention to affective words as a characteristic of non-pathological dissociation: an ERP study GpD7 B.M. Elzinga Directed forgetting between, but not within, dissociative personality states GpD8 D.J. Veltman Maintenance versus manipulation in verbal working memory revisited: an fMRI study GpD9 Marie-Noëlle Ané Three years follow-up of motor and cognitive functioning in carriers for Huntington’s disease compared to non-carriers |