| founding | first meeting |
later meetings | previous organizers |
The birth of the Endo-Neuro Meeting in
1997 had a delivery time of years in which NWO-MW Working Groups
('Deelwerkgemeenschappen') organized annual retreats to discuss the
scientific progress of the program of its group members. The endocrinologists of
the groups 'Regulation of hypophysial functions’ and ‘Hormones
and reproduction’ did this in collaboration with the Netherlands Society of
Endocrinology (NVE). These meetings were always a great success, and an guiding
example for other Working Groups of NWO-MW.
NWO-MW however reorganized, one of the results being that the
Working Groups played no key role in the grant evaluation of new
research projects. A decrease in active participation at their usually single
dicipline- or topic-related retreats was the result, and consequently the eager
to organize these meetings faded away.
In 1997 however Fred van Leeuwen, at that time
member of the board of the NVE, thought of organizing a retreat new style as a
cluster of old style retreats in one 3-day meeting. As an
neuroendocrinologist working at the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, he
wished to include the neuroscience as well.
Fred van Leeuwen contacted Fernando Lopes da Silva, chairman of the
Dutch Neurofederation with his ideas as well as Gerard Boer,
active as co-chairman of the NWO-MW Working Group 'Molecular and cellular
Sometimes coincidence pushes new ideas into reality. The
Neurofederation was at that time ready and eager to give the Neurofederation a 'face', and the
NWO-MW Working Groups were just thinking about the idea of co-meetings. So the idea of a NVE/Neurofederation/NWO
Working Group tandem meeting was
born, and called the Endo-Neuro Meeting. NWO-MW greatly supported this idea both
organizationally and financially, thanks to the stimulatory efforts of NWO
commissioner Rob Heinsbroek. |

The Neurofederation (Netherlands Federation of Neuroscience Organizations) was founded in
1995 as a network, at that time of 13 neuroscientific organizations and
societies, that aimed to be a national forum of exchange on research and
planning, to manifest itself as representative of the Dutch
neuroscientists at the national, European and international level, and
to function as national counselor and discussion partner as to stimulate
neuroscience research in The Netherlands.
Presently the Neurofederation has 16 member organizations and knows an
individual membership.
See www.neurofederatie.nl |
The Netherlands Society of Endocrinology has its website on www.nve.nl
meeting in 1997
The first Endo-Neuro Meeting of 2-4 June 1997
(EN1997) described its goal as to 'visualize the importance of medical scientific research
in an attempt to point out the need for increased financial stimulation through
the grant system of NWO' (from introductory text in program booklet). A
series of tandem sessions was therefore organized that showed fundamental and
clinical progress in subfields of endocrinology, neuroendocrinology and
neurosciences. For this purpose also many internationally recognized scientists
were invited as keynote speaker.
Poster sessions were initiated and ment to serve the exchange of information
about the progress within the NWO-MW Working Groups as previously done during
the retreats.
The EN1997 was finally organized as a combined
meeting of the
various NWO-MW Working Groups in endocrinology and neurosciences, the
Neurofederation and the NVE and EKN (Society of Experimental and Clinical
Neuroscience), the latter organizations both members of
the Neurofederation. Parkhotel 'De
Branding' in Doorwerth was the venue.
Parkhotel 'De Branding' in Doorwerth,
the home of all Endo-Neuro Meetings since 1997.
The 3-day meeting in 1997 was well received and visited by 230
scientists. Eight sessions and two parallel sessions composed the program for which 9 foreign speakers
and 10 national speakers were
invited. The meeting program also included the presentation of the Organon Prize
for Endocrinology Lecture by P.J. Lucassen (Amsterdam) and the first Dutch Brain Foundation
Lecture by D. Lindhout (Rotterdam) on 'Neuroregeneration: from gene to
Endocrinology and neuroscience poster sessions
accommodated respectively 30 and 58 presentations.
After the success of the first meeting NVE and
Neurofederation decided to continue the organization annually. NWO-MW remained
happy to financially garantee the organization. An
website was introduced (www.enmeeting.nl, presently www.enpmeeting.nl).
The organizers decided to change the approach of scientific program. More
parallel sessions were scheduled in which, upon the request of NWO-MW as a main
sponsor, also PhD-students presented their data. For the introductory lectures
19 speakers from abroad were invited.
The second Meeting from 3-5 June 1998 was held again in lovely Parkhotel 'De
Branding' in Doorwerth which became the home of all future meetings thereafter.
The new formula worked out even better in an
attempt to create a national forum meeting for exchange about current and new
scientific developments. Since then this approach was maintained and refined.
Nowadays Dutch scientists can propose a session and act as moderator in the
organization. The main organization committee is installed by the NVE and
Neurofederation as a combination of two scientific program committees, the endo
and the neuro committee.
of number of participants of the Endo-Neuro Meetings since 1997
The participation number of the Dutch Endo-Neuro Meetings grew
annually. The 5th Meeting in
2001 received 525 participants, had a total of 35 oral sessions with 138
speakers from which 32 were invited scientists from abroad, and a total number
of 112 poster presentations. Some photographic impressions are published on the 5th
Meeting website.
The 6th Endo-Neuro Meeting became the
1st Endo-Neuro-Psycho
Meeting in 2002, called ENP2002. The Psycho stands for the additional
fourth day with sessions on cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. This
extension of the program was a long wish of the board of the Neurofederation
since cognitive and behavioral neuroscience receives a large and growing
interest in the Dutch neuroscience community.
As a collorary this step again did grow the attendance to the meeting to almost
600 participants.
The ENP2002 became a great success (see
photograph page), and has set a standard for
later meetings, the 2nd
Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting (ENP2003),
Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting (ENP2004) and
4th Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting (ENP2005). |

NWO-MW acted as the main
sponsor for all Dutch Endo-Neuro Meetings. In 2000 NWO-MW fused with ZON
as ZonMw. |

ENP2004 |
| participants |
sessions |
posters |
| total |
speakers |
foreign |
keynote |
plenary |
parallel |
satellite |
endo |
neuro |
psycho |
EN1997 |
230 |
22 |
9 |
2 |
8 |
2 |
30 |
58 |
EN1998 |
295 |
64 |
19 |
4 |
9 |
12 |
23 |
59 |
EN1999 |
407 |
111 |
29 |
4 |
5 |
21 |
2 |
17 |
57 |
EN2000 |
440 |
122 |
34 |
5 |
3 |
25 |
2 |
18 |
70 |
EN2001 |
525 |
138 |
32 |
5 |
3 |
27 |
2 |
22 |
90 |
ENP2002 |
596 |
198 |
31 |
6 |
4 |
40 |
3 |
29 |
82 |
26 |
ENP2003 |
604 |
185 |
42 |
8 |
3 |
37 |
2 |
24 |
103 |
36 |
ENP2004 |
699 |
200 |
48 |
8 |
2 |
41 |
2 |
14 |
129 |
47 |
ENP2005 |
732 |
217 |
50 |
8 |
3 |
44 |
3 |
28 |
124 |
65 |
ENP2006 |
699 |
208 |
47 |
8 |
2 |
42 |
1 |
17 |
136 |
37 |
Overview of the growth of the Dutch Endo-Neuro Meeting/Dutch
Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meetting (EN/ENPmeeting) |
and previous meetings |
The people that organized Dutch Endo-Neuro
Meeting'/Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting since 1997:
1st Dutch Endo-Neuro Meeting
2-4 June 1997
Organizing committee
E. Bakker (Leiden)
O. Bakker(Amsterdam)
E. Fliers (Amsterdam)
E.M. van der Beek (Wageningen)
E.H. Lopes da Silva (Amsterdam)
steering group
B. Bohus (Groningen)
P.G.M. Luiten (Groningen)
P. Eikelenboom (Amsterdam)
E.P. Beem (Den Haag)
R.P.W. Heinsbroek (Den Haag)
treasurer and steering group
L.M. Schrama (Utrecht)
G.J. Boer (Amsterdam)
F.W. van Leeuwen (Amsterdam)
chairman and steering group
E.R. de Kloet (Leiden) |
2nd Dutch Endo-Neuro
3-5 June 1998
Organizing committee
W. Baarends (Rotterdam)
G.J. Boer (Amsterdam)
treasurer and steering group
J.P.H. Burbach (Utrecht)
A.R. Cools (Nijmegen)
J.A. den Boer (Groningen)
B. Drukarch (Amsterdam)
E. Fliers (Amsterdam)
M. Joëls (Amsterdam)
K.J. Teerds (Utrecht)
G.J. ter Horst (Groningen)
A.-M. van Dam (Amsterdam)
E.M. van der Beek (Wageningen)
F.W. van Leeuwen Amsterdam) chairman and steering group
R.P.W. Heinsbroek (Den Haag)
steering group
H.P.H. Kremer (Nijmegen)
H.W.M. Steinbusch (Maastricht) |
Dutch Endo-Neuro Meeting
2-4 June 1999
Organizing committee
L. Blok (Rotterdam)
G.J. Boer (Amsterdam)
chairman and steering group
E. Fliers (Amsterdam)
R.P.W. Heinsbroek (Den Haag)
steering group
W. de Herder (Rotterdam)
G.J. ter Horst (Groningen)
H.P.H. Kremer (Nijmegen)
H. van Leeuwen (Rotterdam)
A. Scheurink (Groningen)
L. Schrama (Utrecht)
K.J. Teerds (Utrecht)
vice-chairman and steering group
Dutch Endo-Neuro
5-7 June 2000
Organizing committee
Onno Bakker (Amsterdam)
Leen Blok (Rotterdam)
Gerard Boer (Amsterdam)
Arjen Brussaard (Amsterdam)
Jan Buitelaar (Utrecht)
Rob Heinsbroek (Den Haag)
committee secretariat
Gert ter Horst (Groningen)
Berry Kremer (Nijmegen)
Anton Scheurink (Groningen)
Katja Teerds (Utrecht)
Fred Tilders (Amsterdam)
Hans van Leeuwen (Rotterdam)
Dutch Endo-Neuro
5-7 June 2001
Organizing committee
Onno Bakker (Amsterdam)
Leen Blok (Rotterdam)
Gerard Boer (Amsterdam)
Jan Buitelaar (Utrecht)
Marjanne Everts (Utrecht)
Rob Heinsbroek (Den Haag)
committee secretariat
Gert ter Horst (Groningen)
Jelle Jolles (Maastricht)
Berry Kremer ( Nijmegen)
Hanno Pijl (Leiden)
Wim Scheenen (Nijmegen)
Anton Scheurink ( Groningen)
Guus Smit (Amsterdam)
Harry Steinbusch (Maastricht) |
Dutch Endo-Neuro Meeting (1st Dutch Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting)
4-7 June 2002
Organizing committee
Gerard Boer (NIH, Amsterdam)
Marjanne Everts (UU, Utrecht)
Rob Heinsbroek (ZonMw, Den Haag)
Gert ter Horst (RUG, Groningen)
Jelle Jolles (UM, Maastricht)
Bert Joosten (UM, Maastricht)
Paul Lucassen (SILS, UvA, Amsterdam)
Hanno Pijl (LUMC, Leiden) committee secretariat
Wim Scheenen (KUN, Nijmegen) treasurer
Anton Scheurink (RUG, Groningen) president
Jenny Visser (EUR, Rotterdam)
Erno Vreugdenhil (LACR, Leiden)
Ineke van der Zee (KUN, Nijmegen) vice-president
2nd Dutch
Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting (7th
Dutch Endo-Neuro
2-5 June 2003
Organizing committee
Gerard Boer (Amsterdam) president
Sytze van Dam (Utrecht)
Michaela Diamant (Amsterdam)
Marjanne Everts ( Utrecht)
Bert Joosten (Maastricht)
Albert Postma (Utrecht)
Hanno Pijl (Leiden) committee secretariat
Wim Scheenen (Nijmegen) treasurer
Anton Scheurink (RUG, Groningen)
Jeroen Schmitt (Maastricht) vice-president
Miranda van Turennout (Nijmegen)
Jenny Visser (Rotterdam)
Erno Vreugdenhil (Leiden)
Ineke van der Zee (Nijmegen)
3rd Dutch Endo-Neuro_Psycho Meeting
1-4 june 2004
Gerard Boer (NIH, Amsterdam) vice-president
Sytze van Dam (OLVG, Amsterdam)
Michaela Diamant (VU, Amsterdam)
Ype Elgersma, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam)
Bart Ellenbroek (KUN, Nijmegen)
Pim French (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam) committee secretariat
Huub Middelkoop (LUMC & FSW, Leiden)
Freek van Muiswinkel (UMCU, Utrecht) treasurer
Albert Postma (UU, Utrecht)
Hanno Pijl (LUMC, Leiden)
Wim Scheenen (KUN, Nijmegen)
Anton Scheurink (RUG, Groningen)
Jeroen Schmitt (UM, Maastricht) president
Miranda van Turennout (KUN, Nijmegen)
Jenny Visser (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam)
Ineke van der Zee (KUN, Nijmegen) |
The Dutch Brain Foundation (Hersenstichting Nederland HsN)
is sponsor of
the Endo-Neuro Meetings and yearly a keynote speaker presents the 'Hersenstichting' Lecture.
www.hsn.nl |
Meeting 2006 |
The ENP2006 will again be a 4-day meeting. On day 1 and
2 the endocrinologist meet, on day 2 and 3 the molecular and cellular
neuroscientists, and on day 3 and 4 the cognitive and behavioral neuroscientists. Day 2 and 3
are days with overlapping themes.
Meeting venue is the Golden Tulip Parkhotel 'Doorwerth'
in Doorwerth, dates are 6-9 June 2006.
Available information on the ENP2006 and its program can be found on the webpages of
www.enpmeeting.nl/enp/ENP2006 on which
most details will appear in February 2006.

At a poster session at the ENP2002 |
| founding | first meeting |
later meetings | previous organizers |