The 6th Dutch Endo-Neuro Meeting / 1st Dutch Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting was held in Parkhotel 'De Branding' in Doorwerth (NL) on 4-7June 2002 and visited by nearly 640 scientists in the field of basal and clinical endocrinology and molecular, cellular and behavioral neurosciences, including neuroimaging and psychiatryScroll for impressions of the lively meeting and click on miniature for enlargement.

DSCN0588.jpg (264422 bytes)At the registration desk


DSCN0589.JPG (109556 bytes)At the registration desk


DSCN0596.JPG (39853 bytes)Jonathan Seckl (Edinburgh, UK)
presenting the Opening Endocrinology Keynote lecture
DSCN0645.JPG (68709 bytes)Main lecture room Branding accommodating 300 participants
DSCN0646.JPG (72028 bytes)Main lecture room Branding during a parallel session DSCN0627.JPG (51376 bytes)Ad Rijnberk (Utrecht) presenting the Laqueur lecture
DSCN0654.JPG (46362 bytes)Florian Holsboer (Munchen, D) receives a certificate memorizing his Marius Tausk lecture from Ron de Kloet (l) DSCN0669.JPG (52014 bytes)The Neurofederation lecture by Gert Holstege (Groningen)
DSCN0666.JPG (77580 bytes)Audience in the Branding Room (1) DSCN0723.JPG (65947 bytes)Beatrice de Gelder as moderator of one of the many parallel sessions (Doorwerth Room)
DSCN0744.JPG (84560 bytes)Audience in the Branding Room (2) DSCN0707.JPG (47784 bytes)The Behavior Keynote lecture by Dorret Boomsma (Amsterdam)


DSCN0608.JPG (61090 bytes)Jonathan Seckl at the Endocrinology poster lunch DSCN0612.JPG (90999 bytes)Proud poster presenter?
DSCN0611.JPG (91142 bytes)"Just wait, I give you my business card" DSCN0731.JPG (63836 bytes)Admiration for this lovely work?
DSCN0676.JPG (90409 bytes)Thank you for your interest and suggestions! DSCN0649.JPG (84386 bytes)Can you bring me through your data?
DSCN0678.JPG (75146 bytes)This is serious work! DSCN0683.JPG (48246 bytes)The Endo-Neuro-Psycho supporting scientific exchange. Lex Cools (l) in contact with Moussa Youdim (Haifa, IL) who had presented the Hersenstichting lecture  
DSCN0697.JPG (43775 bytes)Ineke van der Zee (l) presented the two Neuroscience Poster Awards DSCN0734.JPG (75047 bytes)Intense debate during the Cognition and Behavioral Neuroscience poster session
DSCN0729.JPG (67735 bytes)Are you serious? DSCN0730.JPG (74842 bytes)Expectfull reading of the posters


DSCN0642.JPG (87658 bytes)At the lunch (1) DSCN0688.JPG (102591 bytes)At the lunch (2)
DSCN0691.JPG (91820 bytes)At the outside lunch (1) DSCN0692.JPG (111916 bytes)At the outside lunch (2)
DSCN0670.JPG (75995 bytes)At the bar (1) DSCN0720.JPG (107551 bytes)At the bar (2)
DSCN0622.JPG (76796 bytes)In small groups in the garden (1) DSCN0620.JPG (86772 bytes)In small groups in the garden (2)
DSCN0699.JPG (88869 bytes)In larger groups in the garden (1) DSCN0621.JPG (95363 bytes)In larger groups in the garden (2)
DSCN0624.JPG (113704 bytes)Relaxing (1) DSCN0752.JPG (118759 bytes)Relaxing (2)