08.30 | Posters Cognitive
and Behavioral Neuroscience session to be mounted |
08.30 | Parallel
sessions 34-35 Session 34 Intersensory integration between vision and audition Moderator: Beatrice de Gelder (Tilburg) Beatrice de Gelder (Tilburg) Introduction (15) Jyrki Tuomainen (Helsinki, Finland) Audiovisual perception: is speech special? (15) Gilles Pourtois (Tilburg) Natural and arbitrary audiovisual pairings have different neuroanatomical integration sites (15) Sjakko de Jong (Tilburg) Selective deficits of audiovisual integration in schizophrenia (15) Nouchine Hadjikhani (Boston, Massachusetts, USA) Temporal and spatial determinants of audiovisual integration (30) Session 35 Brain mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease and related conditions Moderator: Frans Verhey (Maastricht) Philip Scheltens (Amsterdam) MRI in dementia: beyond exclusion (30) Serge Rombouts (Amsterdam) fMRI in Alzheimer's disease (15) Pieter Jelle Visser (Maastricht) Temporal lobe atrophy, apo-E and other biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (15) Pauline Aalten (Maastricht) Behavioral problems in dementia and the relationship with prefrontal structures (15) Jan Cees de Groot (Rotterdam/Groningen) Cerebral white matter lesions, old age depression and cognitive decline in the elderly (15) |
10.00 | Poster
session Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience
(including break) |
11.30 | Session
36 Plenary session Chairperson: Edward de Haan (Utrecht) Jelle Jolles (Maastricht) Cognitive aging: the influence of biological and environmental factors (30) Peter Hagoort (Nijmegen) How the brain solves the binding problem for language (30) followed by Cognition and Behavior Poster Award Ceremony |
12.30 | Lunch |
13.30 | Parallel
sessions 37-38 Session 37 Genetic influences on brain morphology Moderator: Hilleke Hulshoff Pol (Utrecht) Wim Baare (Copenhagen, Denmark) Genetic factors influencing variation in human brain morphology in schizophrenia and in healthy subjects (30) Danielle Posthuma (Amsterdam) Genetic analysis of human brain structure in the extended twin design (15) Sarah Durston (Utrecht) The influence of genes on brain morphology in ADHD (15) Xavier Chitnis (London, UK) Mapping the effects of genetic changes with neuroimaging? (30) Session 38 Brain aging and cognitive performance Moderator: Jelle Jolles (Maastricht) Naftali Raz Selectivity of age-related differences and age-related changes in regional brain volumes: Evidence from in vivo MRI (30) R. Goekoop (Amsterdam) Brain activation measured with fMRI in mild cognitive impairment (15) Miranda Dik (Amsterdam) Insulin-like growth factor 1 and cognitive decline in elderly: data from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) (15) Niels Prins (Rotterdam) Homocysteine, MRI findings and cognition in community dwelling elderly (15) Danielle Tisserand (Maastricht) Brain imaging, the frontal cortex and cognitive aging (15) |
15.00 | Break |
15.30 | Parallel
sessions 39-41 Session 39 Fronto-temporal dysfunction in neurodegenerative disease Moderator: Berry Kremer (Nijmegen) Julie Snowdon (Manchester, UK) Neuropsychological characteristics of fronto-temporal dementia (30) John van Swieten (Rotterdam) New molecular defects in families with frontotemporal dementia (30) Berry Kremer (Nijmegen) title pending (30) Session 40 Imaging the dynamics of neurocognition Moderator: Peter Hagoort (Nijmegen) Pascal Fries (Nijmegen) Attention makes waves in the brain (30) Marcel Bastiaansen (Nijmegen) The waves of language: oscillatory brain dynamics during sentence processing (15) Bas Bloem (Nijmegen) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a exciting technique to excite the brain (15) David Norris (Nijmegen) Duffusion tensor imaging and cognitive neuroscience (30) Session 41 COGNITIVE CONTROL Moderator: Leon Kenemans (Utrecht) Maurits van der Molen (Amsterdam) Development of executive functions (30) Evelijne Bekker (Utrecht) Anticipatory selective motor preparation in a conditional choice-response task (15) Franc Donkers (Tilburg) Is the N200 specifically related to response inhibition? (15) Daniêlle Posthuma (Amsterdam) A twin study on selective response activation and frontal inhibition during the Eriksen Flanker task (15) Leon Kenemans (Utrecht) Isolating attentional control (15) |
17.00 | Closure Jelle Jolles (Maastricht) |