Dear colleague(s), We welcome you on the official web site of the Dutch Endo-Neuro Meeting 2001 (EN2001). For the 5th consecutive year we will organize the Endo-Neuro Meeting under auspices of the Netherlands Society of Endocrinology (NVE), the Dutch Neurofederation and the Council for Medical and Health Research of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO-MW). The Meeting will again be held in Parkhotel 'De Branding' in Doorwerth (NL) on the dates June 5-7. On this site you will find the time table of the 3-day program, including titles of lectures and names of speakers for the various parallel sessions, as well as the names and titles of the lectures of the invited speakers in the plenary sessions. The enthusiasm of participants of previous EN-meetings, has led to submission of a considerable number of session proposals from which the organizing committee was able to compose the present challenging program. We would like to thank all the colleagues who submitted these proposals and thus have facilitated our task. The sessions scheduled in EN2001 will provide senior investigators as well as PhD-students insight into clinical and pre-clinical research advancements in various fields of endocrinology and neuroscience. Several well-known invited speakers will give overviews of research developments and future prospects in the various plenary lectures as well as in the more specialized parallel sessions. Overall, more than 30 main speakers were invited for the plenary and parallel sessions of EN2001. A considerable amount of time in the program is reserved for contributions of junior investigators. At least two Ph.D-students were invited for oral presentations in nearly all of the specialized parallel sessions and for all other Ph.D-students and senior investigators we provide possibilities for submission of an abstract for the poster sessions. This year again the organizing committee would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of NWO-MW, and the NVE as well as that of other sponsors. Without their support, we would not have been able to organize this EN2001. For the first time we will provide registration packages with reduced registration fees for members of the NVE and the Neurofederation. All information for registration and submission of abstracts can be found on this website. Looking forward to meeting you in Doorwerth, Gert
J. ter Horst |