08.30 |
8 (plenary session)
(chair: Onno Meijer, Leiden)
Sassone-Corsi (Strasbourg, F)
Coupling signaling to gene expression: tales and tails
09.15 |
Session 9
Nuclear receptors and cancer
(chair: Guido Jenster and Leen Blok, Rotterdam)
Johan Swinnen (Leuven, B)
Androgens, lipogenesis, and prostate cancer (30)
Joop Jansen (Nijmegen)
acid receptor mutations in leukemia (30)
Ellen Smid-Koopman (Rotterdam)
PRA and PRB in endometrial cancer (15)
Jos Veldscholte (Rotterdam)
Identification and
characterization of anti-estrogen resistance pathways in human breast
cancer (15)
Session 10
Gender identity, role of hormones
(chair: Stephanie van Goozen, Utrecht)
Peggy Cohen-Kettenis
Transsexualism as a form of intersexuality (15)
Yolanda Smith (Utrecht)
Primary and secondary transsexuals: a matter of organizing hormones?
Cornelieke van de Beek (Utrecht)
Prenatal sex hormones and gender related behavior in children (15)
Celina Cohen (Utrecht)
Masculinization of girls with a twin brother (15)
Sheri Berenbaum (Carbondale, USA)
Sex related behavior and cognition in girls with congenital adrenal
hyperplasia (30)
Session 11
(chair: Gertjan van Dijk, Groningen)
Patrick Tso (Cincinnatti, USA)
Control of fat absorption (30)
Coen Wiegman
Role of liver in fat metabolism (15)
Sander Kersten (Wageningen )
Role of adipose tissue in fat metabolism (15)
Janneke Langendonk (Leiden)
Neuroendocrine consequences of fat
accretion (15)
Bauke Buwalda (Groningen)
fat and behavior (15)
10.45 |
11.00 |
Session 12
The role of co-activators and co-repressors in steroid signaling to
the brain
(chair: Ron de Kloet, Leiden)
Erik Kalkhoven (Leiden)
Role of p160 coactivators in
nuclear-receptor mediated transcription (30)
Onno Meijer (Leiden)
The nuclear receptor
corepressors NCoR and SMRT: roles in constitutive repression and action
of steroid receptor antagonists (15)
Peter Steenbergen
Steroid receptor coactivators and corepressors in the brain:
differential distribution and regulation of expression (15)
Paolo Sassone-Corsi (Strassbourg, F)
A family of LIM-only co-activators (30)
Session 13
Endocrinology of aging
(chair: Aart Jan van de Lely, Rotterdam)
Fabio Broglio (Torino, I)
Aspects of cortistatin administration in men (30)
Sytze van Dam (Utrecht)
Altered GH secretion in the elderly and effects on the CNS (30)
Annewiek van den Beld (Rotterdam)
Neuroendocrine parameters of good physical shape in aging (15)
Alex Muller (Rotterdam)
A potential role of GH secretagogues in age-related changes in body
composition (15)
Session 14
Dealing with 'stressed'
neurons: to prevent or to allow apoptosis?
(chair: Sjef Copray, Groningen and Dick Jaarsma, Rotterdam)
Rick Dobrowsky (Kansas City, USA)
p75 Neurotrophin receptor signaling: mechanisms for neurotrophic
modulation of cell stress? (30)
Britta Küst (Groningen)
Neurotrophin signaling in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (15)
Jörg Schultz (Tübingen, D)
Inhibitors of apoptosis in neurodegenerative disorders (30)
Angela Vlug (Rotterdam)
Activation of apoptotic pathways in a mutant mouse model of ALS (15)
Satellite session
rhythms (1)
(chair: Joke Meijer, Leiden, Bert van der Horst, Rotterdam, Menno
Gerkema, Groningen, Dries Kalsbeek and Gerard Boer, Amsterdam)
program available on satellite
12.30 |
Lunch |
Neuroscience session to be mounted
13.30 |
Bohus Im Memoriam' lecture
(sponsored by BCN Groningen)
(chair: Paul Luiten, Groningen)
Paul Luiten (Groningen)
George Koob (La Jolla, USA)
and emotional processing
14.30 |
Session 15
Endocrine and central regulation of energy metabolism
(chair: Eric Fliers and Ruud Buijs, Amsterdam)
Mary Dallman (San
Francisco, USA)
Neural control of energy metabolism (30)
Susanne La Fleur (Amsterdam)
Neural control of glucose homeostasis (15)
Felix Kreier (Amsterdam)
Autonomic innervation of white adipose tissue (15)
Hans Romijn (Leiden)
Obesity: new perspectives (30)
Session 16
Sex differences in the brain
(chair: Frank Kruijver and Dick Swaab, Amsterdam)
Dick Swaab (Amsterdam)
Sexual differentiation of the human brain (30)
Elliott Mufson (Chicago, IL, USA)
Estrogen and neurotrophin interactions in the aging and diseased brain
Frank Kruijver (Amsterdam)
Sex, transsexuality, sexual orientation and endocrine status in relation
to sex hormone receptor expression in the human hypothalamus (15)
Sylvia Kaiser (Munster, D)
Prenatal social stress induces sex-specific and sex-reversed effects on
sex hormone receptor expression in the guinea pig brain (15)
Session 17
Stress, learning and synaptic plasticity
(chair: Marian Joëls and Harm Krugers, Amsterdam)
Michael Rowan (Dublin, Ireland)
Overcoming the effects of stress on hippocampal synaptic plasticity (30)
Harm Krugers (Amsterdam)
Effects of corticosterone on hippocampal synaptic plasticity (15)
Melly Oitzl (Leiden)
Stress, corticosterone and memory (30)
G. van der Pompe (Groningen)
title pending (15)
Session 18
Anti-epileptic drugs
(chair: Rob Voskuyl, Leiden)
Steve White (Raritan, USA)
Pharmacodynamic properties of antiepileptic drugs (45)
Wytze Wadman (Amsterdam)
Altered drug responses in brain tissue of epileptic patients (15)
Rob Voskuyl (Heemstede/Leiden)
Functional adaptation of drug efficacy in response to chronic medication
and epilepsy (15)
Tineke van Rijn (Nijmegen)
Rational polytherapy, combining drugs based on knowledge of mechanisms
Satellite session
rhythms (2)
(chair: Joke Meijer, Leiden, Bert van der Horst, Rotterdam, Menno
Gerkema, Groningen, Dries Kalsbeek and Gerard Boer, Amsterdam)
program available on satellite
16.00 |
Break |
16.30 |
sessions Session 19
Genomics AND proteomics in the NEUROSCIENCES
(chair: Jean-Marc Taymans, Guus Smit and Joost Verhaagen, Amsterdam)
Karoly Mirnics (Pittsburg, IL, USA)
Complex gene expression changes in schizophrenia viewed by microarrays (30)
Stefan Kass (Beerse, B)
Proteomics and genomics approaches for the
identification of targets in psychiatric
diseases (30)
Jean-Marc Taymans (Amsterdam/Beerse, B)
Expression of the RGS family of proteins in the dopaminergic system
revealed by neuroanatomical techniques (15)
Sabine Spijker (Strassbourg, F)
Gene expression profiling of the development of behavioral sensitization
to morphine using large-scale QPCR (15)
Dorine Feldker (Leiden)
SAGE expression profiles predict differences in hippocampal morphology
in a mouse model for depression
Suresh Nair (Amsterdam)
Single-cell gene expression profiling: strategies and applications (15)
Session 20
Circadian rhythm: genetics and behavior
(chair: Marcel Smits, Ede)
Elsbeth Nagtegaal (Arnhem)
Melatonin in human sleep-wake disorders (15)
Jo Ahrendt (Guilford, UK)
Melatonin as a marker for evaluating human genetics of the circadian clock (45)
Domien Beersma (Groningen)
Entrainment of the human circadian pacemaker (30)
Bert van der Horst (Rotterdam)
Cryptochromes: essential cogwheels in the circadian clockwork (30)
Session 21
The PFC-ACb-VTA triangle in cognition and memory
(chair: Tonny Mulder and Cyriel Pennartz, Amsterdam)
Stan Floresco (Pittsburgh, IL,
Hippocampal and thalamic interactions with the prefrontal cortex during
working memory processes: behavioral, neurochemical and
electrophysiological analyses (45)
Matthijs Feenstra (Amsterdam)
Microdialysis in PFC and ACB (15)
Rebecca Nordquist (Amsterdam)
Learning related marker activity in PFc and Acb (15)
Riet Naber (Amsterdam)
Novelty exposure effects neuronal activity in prefrontal cortex (15)
Louk Vanderschuren (Amsterdam)
Neuroplasticity and cognition in addiction (15)
Tonny Mulder and Cyriel Pennartz
Closing remarks (15)
Satellite session (17.00-19.00)
Regulation of body weight
(chair: Roger Adan, Utrecht and Gertjan van Dijk, Groningen)
program available at the meeting (see also satellite
19.00 |
21.00 |
(sponsored by Elsevier)
(chair: Lex Cools, Nijmegen)
Fernando Lopes da Silva (Amsterdam)
Abnormal plasticity of the limbic cortex leading to epilepsy