Tuesday June 5
10.30-11.10 |
'Marius Tausk' lecture
(sponsored by Organon B.V.) by Aaron Hsueh (Stanford, USA)
Hormone research in the postgenomic ara |
Tuesday June 5
21.00-22.00 |
'Organon Endocrinology Award' lecture
(sponsored by Organon B.V.)
Prize winner will be announced shortly before the meeting |
Wednesday June 6
'Bela Bohus Im Memorial' lecture
(sponsored by BCN Groningen)
by George Koob (La Jolla, USA)
Neuropeptides and emotional processing |
Wednesday June 6 20.30-21.15
'Neurofederatie' lecture
(sponsored by Elsevier Sciencitific Publishers)
by Fernando Lopes da Silva (Amsterdam)
Abnormal plasticity of the limbic cortex leading to epilepsy |
Thursday June 7
'Hersenstichting' lecture
(sponsored by Dutch Brain Foundation)
by Robin Murray (London, UK)
The neurodevelopmental theory of schizophrenia: facts and fictions